Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Seeking the Light

Last Saturday Elder Lang (the missionary that has been assigned to serve with me), and I wanted to visit one last person before we called it a day. It was almost 8:30pm and holy moley it was pretty dark! Especially out in the sticks where we were located at the time. It was overcast, so the clouds covered any light that the moon or stars would've made for us. To get to this persons house we had to cross through a long field. In the distance we could see a little square light from the living room window of the persons house we were headed to, but right in front of us we couldn't see anything. We walked quietly trying to focus and see what was in front of us. After walking some distance we became concerned that we might step in a hole or on a snake or be attacked by possums or a homeless bearded man or who knows what. At that moment, however, I remembered we had a small flashlight back at our car. I suggested to Elder Lang that we should go get it, and he agreed. So we went back and got our flashlight then quickly turned it on. As soon as it was on our vision expanded and we were able to see what was in front us. Because we now had light our concerns of holes and snakes disappeared and we walked confidently to our appointment, cracking jokes and laughing along the way.

Some people today feel they are walking in spiritual darkness. They have concerns about their family, job, and even religion. Some dont know whats a head of them or how to get where they want in life safely. The Lord, however, has given us a flashlight. Our loving Father in Heaven has revealed truths about our purpose in life, where were going, and how to return to Him safely. He revealed this through a modern prophet. In the spring of 1820 a young boy stepped into a grove of trees to pray for guidance. His name is Joseph Smith. In answer to his prayer our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, appeared to him. In time They called Joseph to be a prophet whom They used to restore the Saviors church back to the earth. Because of this Restoration we know Gods plan for our happiness. In just a few weeks on March 31st and April 1st 2012 Gods living Prophets and Apostles will be speaking to us and to the world. Here we will have a chance to hear the mind and will of the Lord for us personally. I know the Lord is leading his children today to safety through divine guidance.  

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